We are hap­py to announce we will be offer­ing Eng­lish as a Sec­ond Lan­guage train­ing class­es for the pur­pose of reach­ing more peo­ple for Jesus. The dates are:
August 21, 5:30–9:00 p.m.
August 22, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
The cost is $25 per per­son which includes meals, snacks, and train­ing man­u­al. For more infor­ma­tion please call Deb­bie Baskin at 912–585-9385 or email at ddmbaskin@gmail.com.

Our DBA Revival Prepa­ra­tion Sem­i­nar with evan­ge­list Jon Reed is tonight, May 21st. We will begin at 7 p.m. at Hig­gston Bap­tist (pas­tors who made reser­va­tions will meet at 6 for sup­per). This will help pas­tors and  con­gre­ga­tions pre­pare for upcom­ing revivals as well as oth­er evan­ge­lis­tic meet­ings. I hope to see each of our church­es rep­re­sent­ed at this very impor­tant train­ing event. Each per­son will be encour­aged to pur­chase the man­u­al for $10 as it will be very ben­e­fi­cial in the train­ing how­ev­er it is not mandatory.

Sardis Bap­tist in Wheel­er Coun­ty is look­ing for a Youth Director/Leader. If you or some­one you know may be in inter­est­ed in this impor­tant posi­tion please call pas­tor Wayne Ben­nett at 912–375-2387 for more information.

Please remem­ber we are offer­ing our won­der­ful DBA camps again this sum­mer. SURGE (camp for Mid­dle and High School Stu­dents) will again be at Brew­ton-Park­er Col­lege with inspi­ra­tional speak­er Clint Purvis (chap­lain of sev­er­al sports teams at Flori­da State Uni­ver­si­ty) and awe­some music by Jonathan and Lisa Moore. Our plan­ning teams are busy at work and we are hop­ing to reach hun­dreds of stu­dents for Christ this sum­mer. So, please help us get the word out by shar­ing our camp infor­ma­tion with chil­dren, stu­dents, par­ents, and grand­par­ents. For more details on both our Stu­dent (SURGE) and Children’s Camps please paste http://bit.ly/1Fh8Nn7 into your web brows­er and down­load the avail­able reg­is­tra­tion forms.

To dis­cov­er ways you can part­ner with our Asso­ci­a­tion in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, and world for Jesus please go to http://bit.ly/1pdc2Sr by past­ing it in your web browser.

Quote of the Day
Spir­i­tu­al dis­ci­plines are pro­vid­ed for our good, not for our bondage. They are priv­i­leges to be used, not duties to be performed.
–Robby Gallaty

DBA UPDATE May 31, 2015