• Thank you DBA church­es for part­ner­ing with oth­er Geor­gia Bap­tist Asso­ci­a­tions in pro­vid­ing back­packs for the chil­dren of Appalachia. The state goal this year was to reach 20,000 back­packs but praise the Lord, we exceed­ed that goal by col­lect­ing 20,236. Thanks again for your part­ner­ship, love for the Lord, and the won­der­ful chil­dren of Appalachia.
  • Many of you have asked how church­es can help with the cur­rent cri­sis in the Philip­pines. First of all, there is a team cur­rent­ly mak­ing a strate­gic plan to help those in need and are expect­ed to pro­vide a report and plan by Decem­ber 1. Cur­rent­ly we are ask­ing you to refrain from col­lect­ing sup­plies until that plan has been devel­oped. As for what we can do now, pray. Also, if you can send finan­cial help you may do so by mak­ing your checks out to Dis­as­ter Relief (put Dis­as­ter Relief Philip­pines on the memo line) and send it to:

Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion Mis­sions & Min­istry Center
c/o Dis­as­ter Relief
6405 Sug­ar­loaf Parkway
Duluth, GA 30097–4092

  • Our year­ly cake min­istry with the Bax­ley Children’s Home is fast approach­ing and we need your help. Please bring a cake (or cakes) to Taber­na­cle Bap­tist on Decem­ber 5 (Thurs­day) between the hours of 7 and 9 a.m. We will have a team deliv­er the cakes to the Bax­ley Children’s Home where they will be stored and used all year long. If you need some cake box­es they may be picked up at our office in Ailey (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs.) or at First Bap­tist Vidalia (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs.).
  • Thank you FBC Vidalia for host­ing this year’s Con­fer­ence on Church Revi­tal­iza­tion through Prayer with Kei­th and Nicole Bog­gs. Our Church Lead­er­ship Team was respon­si­ble for plan­ning this won­der­ful event which min­is­tered to over 150 peo­ple from sev­er­al of our DBA church­es. Thank you team for your lead­er­ship and thank you church­es for car­ing about prayer and church revi­tal­iza­tion. I am tru­ly blessed to be your Asso­ci­a­tion­al Missionary.
  • Our DBA Evan­ge­lism Team is dili­gent­ly work­ing on a won­der­ful, cre­ative con­fer­ence that will help our church­es learn to share the Gospel of Jesus with our com­mu­ni­ty. On Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 25th we will be spon­sor­ing the PROCLAIM evan­ge­lism con­fer­ence to be host­ed at Taber­na­cle Bap­tist with guests Dr. Steve Parr (from our Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion) and evan­ge­list Jon Reed. The con­fer­ence will begin at 9 a.m. and will include great music, excit­ing preach­ing and break­out ses­sions that will help us learn to share the Gospel with rel­a­tives, friends and neigh­bors. These two men are god­ly men who tru­ly love Jesus and are active in shar­ing their faith. Break­out ses­sions will be:

    Sow and Reap Evan­ge­lism for the “Everyday Per­son”
    –Jon Reed
    Cre­at­ing a Cul­ture of Evan­ge­lism in Your Church –
    Steve Par­rPlease plan to pro­mote and attend DBA Evan­ge­lism Con­fer­ence 2014.
  • Please mark your cal­en­dars for Dr. Tim Searcy’s “Christology” class start­ing on Jan­u­ary 14, 2014 at 6 p.m. at our DBA office in Ailey.  This ten-week Bible Insti­tute course is offered to all who are inter­est­ed in learn­ing about Jesus’ per­son, deity, sin­less­ness, death, and res­ur­rec­tion.  This study will help us be bet­ter pre­pared to respond to present day teach­ing that chal­lenges Christ’s divin­i­ty and suf­fi­cien­cy in sal­va­tion.  Con­tact our DBA office to pre-reg­is­ter or come ear­ly the first evening of class to register.  The cost of the course is $45.00 plus the cost of the text book.
  • Many of you have already heard of the new min­istry begin­ning in Mont­gomery Coun­ty called the Mont­gomery Coun­ty Chris­t­ian Learn­ing Cen­ter (MCCLC) but let me bring you up to date if you have not heard. Begin­ning in Jan­u­ary Mont­gomery Coun­ty High School stu­dents will have the abil­i­ty to take SACS accred­it­ed Bible Class­es as elec­tives at the Briscoe Cen­ter at Brew­ton-Park­er Col­lege. God is already bless­ing this min­istry as it pre­pares to begin in Jan­u­ary and we ask that you pray for the min­istry team as well as the stu­dents. Let me also say thank you to Super­in­ten­dent Rodgers and the School Board for allow­ing the MCCLC to pro­vide these class­es as they will be a bless­ing to stu­dents, fam­i­lies, and our Mont­gomery Coun­ty com­mu­ni­ties. Things are going well but there are a few things that could help this min­istry. Most impor­tant­ly are study bibles. We would like to pur­chase 25 bibles at $24 each to be used by the stu­dents each semes­ter. If you (or your church) would be will­ing to buy one of these bibles for the min­istry please respond to this email write checks payable to DBA for $24 and put MCCLC Bibles on the memo line. We need to order the bibles by Decem­ber 10th so please let me know ASAP if you are will­ing and able to help. Oth­er needs include the following:
  • Dave Ram­sey’s “Finan­cial Peace Uni­ver­si­ty DVD Home Study Kit” (9 dvd lessons and workbook/materials) for the course. $159.00 + s&h from daveramsey.com.
  • 1 copy of Andy Stan­ley’s book “Prin­ci­ple of the Path”. $12.00 + s&h.

Not Imme­di­ate Need but a big convenience/needs:

  • Lap­top com­put­er with new Office soft­ware and such for the orga­ni­za­tion and class­room (approx. $1,200).
  • New video pro­jec­tor that will con­nect with laptops/vga con­nec­tors for the classroom.

If you can help with any of the above needs please let me know by email rsmithdba@windstream.net or by phone 912–583-2713.

As you can see, God is doing a won­der­ful work in our Asso­ci­a­tion and I am so pleased we are part­ners in reach­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, state, coun­try, and world for Christ.

Blessed to Serve,
