Here are forty great ways you can invite peo­ple to our church. You don’t need to orga­nize it … you and your small group, class or friends can just do it. (Adapt­ed from a list by Michael Lukaszews­ki)

1. Grill out for the employ­ees of a com­pa­ny or business.

2. Set up our par­ty trail­er, which comes with a grill, moon­walk, slide, snow-cone and pop­corn machines, chairs, etc. at any com­mu­ni­ty events.

3. Dress up like a Star Wars char­ac­ter wher­ev­er there are peo­ple and take pic­tures with kids and fam­i­lies. Give them a spe­cial invite card with the loca­tion they can down­load the pic­ture. You will have a blast and invite a bunch of peo­ple to church.

4. Tail­gate at high school foot­ball games. Give away hot dogs and invite people.

5. Set up a moon­walk at a local park while events are happening.

6. Vol­un­teer at com­mu­ni­ty runs and bike races.

7. Hand out cof­fee or hot choco­late at com­mu­ni­ty events.

8. Give out hand warm­ers with the church logo at win­ter events like the Christ­mas parade.

9. Do a free oil change or car inspec­tion at your church’s park­ing lot.

10. Do a bicy­cle tune-up event for your community.

11. Host a block par­ty for your neigh­bor­hood. Again, the par­ty trail­er is available.

12. Pro­vide “full ser­vice” at a local gas sta­tion – wash win­dows and leave a car freshener.

13. Show free fam­i­ly movies out­side using our inflat­able movie screen.

14. Help local schools with their fall fes­ti­vals. Instead of re-cre­at­ing the wheel, just help a school make their event better.

15. Take pro­fes­sion­al pic­tures at local school tal­ent shows.

16. Vis­it a nurs­ing home.

17. Take a cou­ple of hours and put out door hang­ers in your neigh­bor­hood or apart­ment complex.

18. Go put invite cards on car wind­shields. Try not to get arrest­ed … that keeps it fun.

19. Be inten­tion­al about coach­ing a kids sports team.

20. You and your kids set up a lemon­ade stand.

21. Have a free garage sale … give away things and invite peo­ple to church

22. Do a free car wash.

23. Walk around a neigh­bor­hood and col­lect canned food. Invite peo­ple to church while ask­ing for food.

24. Hand out heli­um bal­loons at spe­cial events.

25. Get a truck, lad­der and a bunch of light bulbs and walk around and ask peo­ple if they need light bulbs changed.

26. Set up a bounce house at the movie the­ater when a big kids movie pre­miers. Or in front of anoth­er store. Man­agers are often open to any­thing that draws atten­tion to their store.

27. Put out road signs on the week­end (did you know about 15% of peo­ple who attend our church for the first time do so because they saw a road sign?)

28. Put a giant sign in the back of your truck. Politi­cians do it – our cause is way more important!

29. Give away sil­ly bandz (with your church logo) any­where there are kids.

30. Enter a float in one of the parades. Walk along side it and give away can­dy and invites.

31. Take break­fast to school teach­ers. Sim­ply email the prin­ci­pal and ask if you can do it, set a day, and make it happen.

32. Get a giant back­pack sprayer and offer to spray for bugs in people’s homes. It might seem strange, but what a great way to talk to some­one and invite them to church.

33. Wash car win­dows at a local gas sta­tion and give out invites. (be sure to ask the sta­tion own­er for per­mis­sion first)

34. Help with field days at a local ele­men­tary school. What school would­n’t appre­ci­ate volunteers?

35. Take food to fire sta­tions. Let them know you appre­ci­ate them and that they are always wel­come at your church.

36. Valet cars when a school has an open house.

37. Pro­vide child­care for high school graduations.

38. Cook team meals before home games at local sport­ing events.

39. Pass out can­dy and invites at your own house on Hal­loween, or down­town where hun­dreds of chil­dren come to trick or treat every year.

40. Enter a team in the Geor­gia BBQ classic.

Bet­ter yet … come up with your own idea, get your friends or group involved, and make it happen.

Cre­ative Ways to Invite Peo­ple to Church