Dear Pastors/Church Leaders,

Just a note to remind you of the two Church Finance Sem­i­nars we will be offer­ing at our DBA office in Ailey tomor­row, Octo­ber 22.

Work­shop One from 10:30-Noon: How to Keep your Church out of Court

This ses­sion will address the grow­ing cri­sis of church­es being sued by indi­vid­u­als. Not only will prac­ti­cal steps be sugge3sted to lim­it the church’s lia­bil­i­ty, but also pre­ven­tive tools will be offered. Top­ics of dis­cus­sion will include church insur­ance, church incor­po­ra­tion, child abuse pre­ven­tion, and screen­ing vol­un­teers and employees.

Work­shop Two from 6:30–8:30 p.m.: Fed­er­al and State Pay­roll Report­ing Require­ments for Churches

This ses­sion will focus on the require­ments for com­ply­ing with fed­er­al and state pay report­ing require­ments. Top­ics include: W‑2s, Form 1099-MISC, I‑9s, Proof of Racial Nondis­crim­i­na­tion, 941s, and so forth. Ques­tions will also include: Who is an employ­ee? Does our pas­tor receive a W‑2? Who is respon­si­ble for mis­takes made on fed­er­al and state returns?

Each of these work­shops will be led by Dr. Kei­th Hamil­ton, CFP. Dr. Hamil­ton works for our Geor­gia Bap­tist Con­ven­tion and is an expert in the area of church and cler­gy finances.

Please encour­age your staff and finan­cial lead­ers to attend these work­shops that are offered free of charge due to DBA’s part­ner­ship with the Geor­gia Bap­tist Convention.

Excit­ed in Jesus,


Robby’s Notes